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105 Countries populate the Region of The Giraffe Federation

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1: The Loving Couple of -For The Future-
Pop: 2,225 Mil

2: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffabany
Pop: 4,900 Mil

3: The Republic of Giraffaboo
Pop: 2,653 Mil

4: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffacoota
Pop: 4,892 Mil

5: The Republic of Giraffacrest
Pop: 2,639 Mil

6: The Republic of Giraffaissance
Pop: 2,644 Mil

7: The Colony of Giraffaland
Pop: 2,648 Mil

8: The Republic of Giraffalisa
Pop: 2,624 Mil

9: The Republic of Giraffaloon
Pop: 2,619 Mil

10: The Republic of Giraffalopia
Pop: 2,640 Mil

11: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffalopolis
Pop: 5,069 Mil

12: The Republic of Giraffaluna
Pop: 2,640 Mil

13: The Republic of Giraffamont
Pop: 2,644 Mil

14: The Republic of Giraffamoor
Pop: 2,631 Mil

15: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffanew
Pop: 4,895 Mil

16: The Republic of Giraffapalooza
Pop: 2,601 Mil

17: The Republic of Giraffapass
Pop: 2,652 Mil

18: The Republic of Giraffaplains
Pop: 2,644 Mil

19: The Republic of Giraffar
Pop: 2,619 Mil

20: The Republic of Giraffarabia
Pop: 2,639 Mil

21: The Republic of Giraffarbor
Pop: 2,600 Mil

22: The Republic of Giraffarctica
Pop: 2,656 Mil

23: The Republic of Giraffaridge
Pop: 2,632 Mil

24: The Republic of Giraffastan
Pop: 2,643 Mil

25: The Republic of Giraffaview
Pop: 2,620 Mil

26: The Republic of Giraffaway
Pop: 2,630 Mil

27: The Republic of Giraffazia
Pop: 2,619 Mil

28: The Republic of Giraffazoid
Pop: 2,597 Mil

29: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffe Bay
Pop: 5,210 Mil

30: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffe Isles
Pop: 5,087 Mil

31: The Republic of Giraffea
Pop: 2,649 Mil

32: The Republic of Giraffeaborough
Pop: 2,627 Mil

33: The Republic of Giraffeabreeze
Pop: 2,635 Mil

34: The Republic of Giraffeacanton
Pop: 2,634 Mil

35: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffeadelphia
Pop: 5,029 Mil

36: The Republic of Giraffeafiesta
Pop: 2,619 Mil

37: The Republic of Giraffeameadow
Pop: 2,634 Mil

38: The Republic of Giraffeasky
Pop: 2,618 Mil

39: The Republic of Giraffeasoul
Pop: 2,632 Mil

40: The Republic of Giraffeblooms
Pop: 2,606 Mil

41: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffebridge
Pop: 4,891 Mil

42: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffeburg
Pop: 5,052 Mil

43: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffechester
Pop: 4,955 Mil

44: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffecliff
Pop: 4,913 Mil

45: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffedale
Pop: 5,061 Mil

46: The Republic of Giraffegarden
Pop: 2,630 Mil

47: The Republic of Giraffeglow
Pop: 2,634 Mil

48: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffehaptom
Pop: 5,095 Mil

49: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffehaven
Pop: 4,903 Mil

50: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffeley Moutains
Pop: 5,108 Mil

51: The Republic of Giraffenfall
Pop: 2,634 Mil

52: The Republic of Giraffengard
Pop: 2,627 Mil

53: The Republic of Giraffenheim
Pop: 2,630 Mil

54: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffenix
Pop: 5,047 Mil

55: The Republic of Giraffenpeak
Pop: 2,612 Mil

56: The Republic of Giraffenshine
Pop: 2,601 Mil

57: The Republic of Giraffenstar
Pop: 2,622 Mil

58: The Republic of Giraffenstone
Pop: 2,619 Mil

59: The Republic of Giraffenstorm
Pop: 2,633 Mil

60: The Republic of Giraffeparadise
Pop: 2,604 Mil

61: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffepelago
Pop: 5,099 Mil

62: The Republic of Giraffepoint
Pop: 2,619 Mil

63: The Giraffe Constituent of Girafferook
Pop: 4,914 Mil

64: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffesea
Pop: 4,922 Mil

65: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffesprings
Pop: 5,076 Mil

66: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffestead
Pop: 5,044 Mil

67: The Republic of Giraffestream
Pop: 2,601 Mil

68: The Federated Giraffe State of Giraffeton
Pop: 5,385 Mil

69: The Giraffe Constituent of Giraffgusta
Pop: 4,907 Mil

70: The Republic of Giraffia
Pop: 2,617 Mil

71: The Republic of Giraffica
Pop: 2,657 Mil

72: The Republic of Girafficopia
Pop: 2,601 Mil

73: The Republic of Giraffifield
Pop: 2,635 Mil

74: The Republic of Giraffigenia
Pop: 2,650 Mil

75: The Republic of Giraffigo
Pop: 2,634 Mil

76: The Republic of Giraffigypt
Pop: 2,650 Mil

77: The Republic of Giraffihaus
Pop: 2,597 Mil

78: The Republic of Giraffikhanate
Pop: 2,646 Mil

79: The Republic of Giraffikos
Pop: 2,624 Mil

80: The Republic of Giraffin
Pop: 2,648 Mil

81: The Republic of Giraffinara
Pop: 2,632 Mil

82: The Republic of Giraffine
Pop: 2,626 Mil

83: The Republic of Giraffinevada
Pop: 2,652 Mil

84: The Republic of Giraffinova
Pop: 2,617 Mil

85: The Republic of Giraffique
Pop: 2,641 Mil

86: The Republic of Giraffirifico
Pop: 2,623 Mil

87: The Republic of Giraffish
Pop: 2,647 Mil

88: The Republic of Giraffishire
Pop: 2,634 Mil

89: The Republic of Giraffisia
Pop: 2,624 Mil

90: The Republic of Giraffite
Pop: 2,625 Mil

91: The Republic of Giraffius
Pop: 2,640 Mil

92: The Republic of Giraffivision
Pop: 2,639 Mil

93: The Republic of Giraffize
Pop: 2,647 Mil

94: The Republic of Giraffonia
Pop: 2,644 Mil

95: The Republic of Giraffonos
Pop: 2,646 Mil

96: The Giraffe Constituent of Girafford
Pop: 5,101 Mil

97: The Republic of Giraffport
Pop: 2,639 Mil

98: The Republic of Giraffville
Pop: 2,658 Mil

99: The Republic of Giraffwood
Pop: 2,612 Mil

100: The Giraffe Constituent of Las Giraffgas
Pop: 5,061 Mil

101: The D'deridex-Class WarBird of LegMiner50
Pop: 2,869 Mil

102: The Giraffe Constituent of New Giraffburgh
Pop: 5,108 Mil

103: The Giraffe Constituent of North North East Giraffago Lake
Pop: 5,024 Mil

104: The Giraffe Constituent of Omegiraffemore
Pop: 5,005 Mil

105: The Giraffe Constituent of The Independent Great Fort of Giraffdill
Pop: 5,089 Mil

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